Department of Defense

Gifts Received

Robert Gates Portrait in Glass Globe

Recipient: The Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense

Agency: Department of Defense

Donor: His Excellency General Cao Gangchaun, Minister of Defense, China

Value: $800.00

Received on: 2007-11-05

Brass and Lapis Lazuli Bowl

Recipient: The Honorable James Mattis, Secretary of Defense

Agency: Department of Defense

Donor: His Excellency Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan

Value: $785.00

Received on: 2017-04-24

Sportivo Wrist Watch with Saudi Arabia Crest

Recipient: Dr. William J. Luti, DASD, Near Eastern & South Asian Affairs

Agency: Department of Defense

Donor: Crown Prince Abdullah, Saudi Arabia

Value: $780.00

Received on: NA