Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Oil Portrait Painting of Robert Gates

Recipient: The Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense

Agency: Department of Defense

Donor: Ivan C. Fernald, Minister of Defense, Suriname

Value: $900.00

Received on: 2007-10-06

18K Gold Necklace and Earring Set with Diamond Studs

Recipient: Patricia Butenis, Ambassador

Agency: Department of State

Donor: Brigadier General ATM Amin, Director, Counter Terrorism Bureau, Bangladesh

Value: $900.00

Received on: NA

Lebanese Stainless Steel Flatware Set

Recipient: First Lady

Agency: Executive Office of the President

Donor: Mrs. Wafaa Sleiman, Office of the President of The Republic of Lebanon

Value: $900.00

Received on: 2008-09-23