Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Oil Painting "Le Changement"

Recipient: First Family

Agency: Executive Office of the President

Donor: His Excellency Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic

Value: $850.00

Received on: 2009-07-09

Traditional Gold Tea Set with Wooden Box

Recipient: White House Staff Member. McDonough, Denis

Agency: Executive Office of the President

Donor: His Excellency Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Value: $850.00

Received on: 2011-06-01

Raymond Well Tango Wristwatch

Recipient: An Agency Employee

Agency: Department of State

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $850.00

Received on: 2010-06-20