Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Harvest Oil Painting

Recipient: Samuel W. Bodman, Deputy Secretary of Commerce

Agency: Department of Commerce

Donor: Atanas Iantchev, Bristol Myers-Bulgaria

Value: $750.00

Received on: 2003-07-17

100% Wool Hand-Woven Area Rug

Recipient: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce

Agency: Department of Commerce

Donor: Heidar Aliyev, President Azerbaijan

Value: $750.00

Received on: 2003-02-24

Ancient Coin Collection

Recipient: Colin L. Powell, The Secretary of State of the United States

Agency: Department of State

Donor: Emile Lahoud, President of the Republic of Lebanon

Value: $750.00

Received on: 2003-06-03

Collection of Antique Jordanian Coins

Recipient: Colin L. Powell, The Secretary of State of the United States

Agency: Department of State

Donor: Abdulla II bin al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Value: $750.00

Received on: 2003-09-19

Silver Oak Leaf Statue

Recipient: President

Agency: National Security Council

Donor: Her Excellency The President of the Republic of Latvia and Mr. Imants Freibergs

Value: $750.00

Received on: NA

Tower Model 1856 Percussion Rifle, Walnut Stock

Recipient: George J. Tenet, Director, Central Intelligence

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $750.00

Received on: NA

Sterling Silver Goblet Set

Recipient: Kyle McSlarrow, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Energy

Agency: Department of Energy

Donor: Sergei Bogdanchikov, Rosneft President, Russia

Value: $750.00

Received on: 2004-06-08