Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Engraved Tan Fossil

Description: Engraved tan fossil on glass. Rec'd--7/12/2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Pending transfer to GSA.

Recipient: The Honorable Gina Haspel, Director of the CIA

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-07-12

Mounted Pistol and Coins

Description: Mounted, inert pistol and 2 coins. Rec'd--9/14/2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Pending transfer to GSA.

Recipient: The Honorable Gina Haspel, Director of the CIA

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-09-14

Two Carpets

Description: Two carpets. Rec'd--4/9/ 2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Pending purchase by employee.

Recipient: An Agency Employee

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-04-09

Pearl Jewelry Collection

Description: Two pearl necklaces, bracelet, and earrings. Rec'd--8/18/2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--On official display.

Recipient: An Agency Employee

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-08-18

Jewelry Set

Description: Necklace, ring, and earrings set. Rec'd--11/7/ 2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Pending transfer to GSA.

Recipient: An Agency Employee

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-11-07

Jewelry and Accessories

Description: Necklace, bracelet, watch, and corsage. Rec'd--11/18/ 2018. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Pending destruction.

Recipient: An Agency Employee

Agency: Central Intelligence Agency

Donor: Redacted -- Disclosure could adversely affect intelligence sources or methods

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2018-11-18

Genevoski Men's Watch

Description: Genevoski Men's Watch. Rec'd--6/25/2015. Est. value--$500.00. Disposition--Transferred to GSA on 2/14/2018.

Recipient: Captain Eric Anderson

Agency: Department of Army

Donor: RADM al-Qahtani, Saudi Arabia

Value: $500.00

Received on: 2015-06-25