Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Swarovski Angelfish Figurine

Recipient: Ms. Gladys Boluda, Assistant Chief of Protocol

Agency: Department of State

Donor: His Excellency Ali Aujali, Ambassador of the Embassy of Libya

Value: $440.00

Received on: 2011-12-08

"Genghis Khan" Book with Bronze Horse Statue

Recipient: The Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States

Agency: Executive Office of the President

Donor: His Excellency Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia

Value: $440.00

Received on: 2011-06-16

Travel: 3rd Tourism Working Group

Recipient: Gwen Lyle, Commercial Officer

Agency: Department of Commerce

Donor: China National Tourism Administration

Value: $440.00

Received on: 2010-01-12