Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Cased Dagger and Photo Album

Description: Cased dagger and photo album of meeting. Rec'd--2/ 18/2018. Est. value-- $150.00. Disposition-- Russell Senate Office Building Room 116.

Recipient: The Honorable Tom Cotton, United States Senator

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: His Excellency Lt. General Janab Al Sayyid Munthir bin Majid Al Said, Head of Communications and Coordination at the Royal Office, Government of Oman

Value: $150.00

Received on: 2018-02-18

Sullivan's Cove Single Malt Whiskey

Recipient: The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the United States Senate

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: The Honorable Tony Abbott, MP, Prime Minister of Australia

Value: $146.00

Received on: 2014-06-11

Silver Tray

Recipient: The Honorable Mitch McConnell, United States Senator

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: His Majesty King Felipe VI, King of Spain

Value: $146.00

Received on: 2018-06-19

Collection of Georgian Gifts

Recipient: President

Agency: National Security Council

Donor: His Excellency Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia. - -

Value: $144.00

Received on: NA

Household Item: multi- colored basket with leather strap. Rec'd-- 2...

Recipient: First Lady

Agency: Executive Office of the President

Donor: Mrs. Toure Lobbo Traore, Spouse of the President of the Republic of Mali

Value: $140.00

Received on: NA

Beijing Olympic Bird's Nest Stadium Replica

Recipient: The Honorable Daniel Inouye, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Her Excellency Chen Zhili, Vice Chairwoman of the Chinese National People's Congress

Value: $140.00

Received on: 2008-09-19

Miniature Framed Mughal Print

Recipient: The Honorable Evan Bayh, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: His Excellency Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of the Republic of India

Value: $140.00

Received on: 2010-01-04