Total Value of All Gifts


Federal Gifts

Pakistan Transportation

Recipient: The Honorable Sherrod Brown, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Value: $0.00

Received on: 2009-08-21

Pakistan Transportation

Recipient: Mr. Mark Powden, Chief of Staff for Senator Sherrod Brown

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Value: $0.00

Received on: 2009-08-21

Saskatchewan Aircraft Transportation

Recipient: The Honorable Lindsey Graham, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of Saskatchewan, Canada

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA

Saskatchewan Aircraft Transportation

Recipient: Mr. Richard Perry, Chief of Staff for Senator Lindsey Graham

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of Saskatchewan, Canada

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA

Saskatchewan Aircraft Transportation

Recipient: Mr. Matthew Rimkunas, Legislative Assistant for Senator Lindsey Graham

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of Saskatchewan, Canada

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA

Colombia Helicopter Transportation

Recipient: The Honorable Tim Kaine, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the Republic of Colombia

Value: $0.00

Received on: 2015-02-21

Colombia Helicopter Transportation

Recipient: Ms. Mary Naylor, Legislative Director for Senator Tim Kaine

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the Republic of Colombia

Value: $0.00

Received on: 2015-02-21

Tanzania Transportation Collection

Recipient: The Honorable Thomas R. Carper, Senator of the United States

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA

Tanzania Transportation Collection

Recipient: Mrs. Martha Carper, Spouse of Senator Thomas R. Carper

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA

Tanzania Transportation Collection

Recipient: Mr. Christopher Carper, Dependent Child of Senator Thomas R. Carper

Agency: U.S. Senate

Donor: Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

Value: $0.00

Received on: NA