
Mr. James Lord, ATF Senior Fire Research Engineer

Agency: Department of Justice

1 Gift

Mr. James Plasman, Political Officer

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. James Renna

Agency: Department of Army

1 Gift

Mr. Jared Smith, Special Event Support Staff

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. Jarrett Blanc, Deputy Lead Coordinator

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. Jason Gutzler, Special Agent

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. Jason Lew, Special Agent

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. Jason Rahlan, Public Affairs Officer

Agency: Department of State

1 Gift

Mr. Jason Smith, Assistant Parliamentarian

Agency: U.S. House of Representatives

1 Gift

Mr. Jay Ingersoll, ICE UC OPS

Agency: Department of Homeland Security

1 Gift

Mr. Jeerapong Wongchote

Agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

1 Gift

Mr. Jeffrey P. Minear, Counselor to the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States

Agency: Administrative Office of the United States Courts

1 Gift

Mr. Jeh Johnson, Jr., Son of the Secretary of Homeland Security

Agency: Department of Homeland Security

1 Gift

Mr. Jesus Alvarado-Rivera, International Counsel

Agency: Department of Justice

1 Gift